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Filipsson & Lindblad
"A Splendor In The Grass"

Holmar Filipsson and Klas-Henrik Lindblad aka Sasse both discovered electronic music in the late eighties and started djing shortly there after; Sasse in his hometown Turku, Finland and Holmar in Reykjavik, Iceland. Sasse started his label Moodmusic in ‘96 when still living in Finland, but has since succumbed to the irresistible pull of Berlin. Holmar threw some of the first Warehouse parties in Iceland in the early nineties before moving to NYC in ’96. Since then he has spent his time founding his labels Crack&Speed and Thugfucker Recordings.
The collaboration album is a long time a coming; Work started at the "Reykjavik Massive" Studio in Brooklyn few years back. Then, following a lot of net file swapping, they completed the album completion in Berlin, at Sasses "BlackHead" Studios last year.
The Scandinavian pair share a love for disco and deep house music and this is very apparent in the music they have come together to make. Once in the studio each song happened naturally, one song progressing into another, each song portraying a little personal story.The collection of songs over the extended period eventually morphed into "A Splendor In The Grass".
The tracks range from the piano and bass driven deep disco house like “Another Plan”, “Shock Doctrine” and title track “Splendor In The Grass” to the NYC infused synth-funk grooves of “Daniel Wang is My Neighbor” & “Take Some Fresh”. Future single “Belfast” melds the cool Scandinavian nu disco vibe with the Alphaville style darting synth lines and floor led sensibilities. Retro tinges also make an appearance with tracks like “Happy Birthday Jef” sounding like a long lost Cameo instrumental from 1985.
All in all a varied and accomplished that shines with attention to detail and a lovingly crafted quality.

Written and Produced by Holmar Filipsson and Klas Lindblad
(P) and (C) 2009 Nang Records

1. Another Plan Buy Track ( 0.73)
2. Belfast Buy Track ( 0.73)
3. New Life Buy Track ( 0.73)
4. Felt Calmer Buy Track ( 0.73)
5. Shock Doctrine Buy Track ( 0.73)
6. Happy Birthday Day Jef Buy Track ( 0.73)
7. Splendor In The Grass Buy Track ( 0.73)
8. Daniel Wang Is My Neighbor Buy Track ( 0.73)
9. Pleasure Treasure Buy Track ( 0.73)
10. Take Some Fresh Buy Track ( 0.73)
11. Paul Has Wings Buy Track ( 0.73)
Buy All Tracks ( 5.84)

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