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"Getting Away With It"

Fifty releases in, who would have thought it?

When Nang started in early 2009 our opening slogan was "we're doing it for love, thats for sure. Nang is the sister of Tirk, more dancefloor, less experimental and four colours all the way". Well... 1) those darn annoying Nang four-colour fluorescent flags and logos still are with us 2) the records keep on coming and 3) In a world of ever falling record sales... we are.... for sure.... doing it for the love.
Nang head-honcho Loudery invokes A&R blagging rights for release 50. He trots out a Bahamian flag logo and a cover version of "Getting Away With It" from 80's supergroup Electronic (Bernard Summer, Johnny Marr and Neil Tennant). First up is a trip to Prague to record the unfeasibly large orchestral parts, which have suitably been disco-fied with trills, spills and slides. Vocals are provided by soul princess Tahamene Parks and the guys in the office even chipped in the odd instrument or two_
Our original sticks fairly closely to the 80s original but with a Nang factor twist applied. For the dance floor remixes we have dialled up some Nang hit-squad remix-ninjas. Faze Action man Robin Lee dons his Andromeda Orchestra guise to head into "Faze Action 1999" sound territory; big beats, slamming bassline and clavs and a big ol' strings.
Slovenian Nang-superstar Sare Havlicek is next up. He slows the beats down and re-jigs the 80's vectors to present a slow funk groover, sounding somewhere between Cameo, dancey INXS and Joyce Sims. Finally Pete Herbert turns in two versions.. his floor slaming 4/4 main mix and his stormy, downtempo Anne Dudley, Art of Noise styled dub.
All being well, we will see you again at release 100. By which time we may have even over-taken our illustrious Tirk parent (in terms of releases, at least). Whippersnappers out.

Written by Johny Marr, Bernard Summer & Neil Tennant.
Produced by Loudery. Engineered by Aidan Love.
Strings performed by the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra.
Bass by Richard Elson, Additional Guitars by Elliot King.
Strings by John Bryan and Pete Whitfield.
Lead Vocals by Tahamene Park.
(P) & (C) 2012 Nang Records

1. Getting Away With It Buy Track ( 0.73)
2. Getting Away With It [Andromeda Orchestra Remix] Buy Track ( 0.73)
3. Getting Away With It [Sare Havlicek Remix] Buy Track ( 0.73)
4. Getting Away With It [Pete Herbert Remix] Buy Track ( 0.73)
5. Getting Away With It [Andromeda Orchestra Dub] Buy Track ( 0.73)
6. Getting Away With It [Sare Havlicek Dub] Buy Track ( 0.73)
7. Getting Away With It [Pete Herbert Dub] Buy Track ( 0.73)
8. Getting Away With It [Instrumental] Buy Track ( 0.73)
9. Getting Away With It [Pete Herbert Reprise] Buy Track ( 0.73)
Buy All Tracks ( 5.10)